Creating Aircraft for FSX ( Microsoft Flight Simulator X )

Updated "FSX Mitsubishi F1M2 Zerokan" to v1.24!


1: Fixed the "Type 95 Gunsight" in the virtual cockpit.
 Changed the background in the viewfinder to an XML file.

2: Added landing lights to the electric switch panel in the virtual cockpit.

 This makes the navigation lights easier to use.

 (This is probably a bug in the SDK. When the aviation lights are built into the model,  they do not respond to the aviation light switch ON/OFF, but to the landing light  switch.

 I was unable to fix this no matter what I did.)

3: Modified the textures of each part and added missing textures.

 I didn't include the night texture for the compass in the back seat in v_1, so I'll add it.

4: Added gun effect points to the [SMOKESYSTEM] section of Aircraft.cfg.

 Just enter the name of your favorite gun effect and you can use it.

Press the "I" key to activate the machine gun.

5: Made it so that the air temperature gauge is displayed accurately.
 Also, the configuration of the VC section of Panel.cfg has been changed for future  models.

6: Some material modifications
 The texture of the interior in VC has been slightly modified.
 I paid particular attention to the gauge glass.



I would like to thank Ian for his advice on this update.

Unzip the downloaded "zue_f1m2_v1.24.zip" and copy the "Sim Objects" folder from it into your FSX and overwrite it.